Research Domains
DIARE has created six research domains. Students, who wish to proceed to the research domain of a different area, should select a course in the area that most closely matches their intended research area from these six courses.
Materials and Energy
This research domain aims to develop a novel field on materials and energy sciences by working together with mechanical, chemical, electronics, and civil/architectural engineering in our University. These researchers will become versed in design, synthesis, and evaluation methodologies necessary to create groundbreaking new materials and functions.
Life and Environmental Science
This research domain encompasses areas such as nano-electorinics, semiconductors, memory, wireless networks, ultra-wideband transmission, image recognition/processing/compression/-display, language, information cognition, and information science related to living processes and organisms. We intend to integrate advanced information, engineering, materials, and device science in order to foster talented researchers who will plan, manage, and lead the development of an advanced and extensive information-oriented society based on networks.
Information and Systems
This domain covers areas such as nano - electronics, semiconductor, memory, wireless network, ultra - wideband transmission, image recognition/processing/compression/ display, language, information cognition, information science related to life and organisms. We intend to integrate advanced information engineering, advanced materials, and device science, in order to foster talented researchers who will plan, manage, and lead the development of an advanced and extensive information - oriented society based on networks.
Device Technology
In real-world applications such as robotics and big data analysis, information processing and high-performance computation are performed after acquisition of sensor input data. Then, the system responds to signals through an actuator based on the computed result. Towards applications, research domain focuses on the development of sensors, VLSI processors, memory, and display units, and actuators. Researchers develop novel devices using semiconductor or chemical-based-devices, nanodevices, optical or organic devices and, MEMS. We foster talented researchers who will take leadership to develop real-world information systems realized by integration of these highly-sophisticated device, and create innovative technology toward a new age in information-based-society.
Human and Social System
This research domain promotes interdisciplinary studies on human individuals and society based on humanities and social sciences. We nurture junior scholars who, based on an interdisciplinary perspective, will deeply understand the nature of human beings and society and wish to analyze the complex relationships in our societies. For this mission, we encourage young researchers conducting interdisciplinary studies in both the humanities and social sciences.
Advanced Basic Science
This research domain aims to nurture researchers who understand universal concepts and principles of physics and chemistry, from elementary particles, atoms, molecules, to materials that together help reveal the secrets of the earth and the cosmos. In addition, we strive to provide researchers with a broad natural science and technology perspective so that they can harness this knowledge for developing practical applications.